Find Your Regional Team
Colavita Teams are located in several regions across the country. We invite you to attend a race, join a team, or learn more about your regional Colavita team!
If you don’t see a team in your region and you’re interested in starting one, please reach out to us on our contact page!
Find Your Regional Team
Colavita Teams are located in several regions across the country. We invite you to attend a race, join a team, or learn more about your regional Colavita team!
If you don’t see a team in your region and you’re interested in starting one, please reach out to us on our contact page
shape, see the countryside and hang out
with like-minded people.
friends outside the city while also staying active.
a way to connect with fellow cyclists,
and stay physically fit.
motivated by a group of strong women.
on a ride with a group.
developing the sport of cycling
among women.
being on a bicycle